2020 Annual General Meeting
Having to do things differently.
Due to the pandemic restrictions in place, the Board of Management has taken a number of factors into consideration in organising the club’s two Section Meetings and the Annual General Meeting.
These are firstly, limiting numbers in the club-rooms, secondly, the demographic of the members, thirdly, access to technology and lastly, compliance as an incorporated association.
Upon professional compliance advice, the measures taken are to ensure a fair and equitable participation for all members. Options for attending are either personally, (currently restricted to 20) electronically via Zoom or telephone, plus postal voting has been arranged for all voting members.
The current Board is aware that this is a dramatic change from the usual “it’s always been done this way”. We can all look forward to participating in a joint Section and Annual General Meeting on Monday 27th July 2020 with a 7 pm start, albeit in a somewhat “different” format.